2021 乐虎体育app

  • 04/10 乐虎体育app

    The construction commencement ceremony was held. Vice Governor Zheng Xincongof Fujian Province, Deputy Director Zheng Yixian of Provincial Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office, Deputy Secretary Zhang Yongningof Quanzhou Municipal Party committee, Deputy Mayor Hong Ziqiangof Quanzhou Standing Committee, Deputy Mayor Xiao Hanhuiof Quanzhou City, Secretary General Liao Guowenof Quanzhou City, Secretary Huang Wenshengof QuangangDistrict Party committee, the District Major Yan Chaohui of Quangang District, Director Chen Shalongof Quanzhou Petrochemical Park and leaders at all levels attended the Ceremony, which was an encouragement to Quanzhou Grand Pacific Chemical.

    The Chairman promised in his speech that Quanzhou Grand Pacific Chemicalwouldfollow national policies to produce environmentally friendly, low-pollution, high-value and high-purity olefin and special grade PP products! With this ceremony as a starting point,we willcomplete Phase I and put it into operation as soon as possible, and contribute to the society byproviding more jobs and paying due taxes.

  • 03/31 乐虎体育app

    The signing ceremony of a five-year RMB 3.5 billion syndicated loan was held at Quanzhou Taihe Intercontinental Hotel, which was attended by 17 lending banks including Mizuho Bank and Industrial Bank.

  • 03/31 乐虎体育app

    The construction permit was secured.

  • 03/30 乐虎体育app

    The second registered capital of RMB 759.6 million was received.

  • 03/01 乐虎体育app

    Mingshihuafu dormitory building has been fully decorated, and the cadres have officially moved in. In addition to independent rooms, it is also equipped with sound facilities such as a social hall, a gym, a conference room and a dining room, allowing the cadres to have sufficient rest after work.

  • 02/05 乐虎体育app

    The construction land was fenced successfully.


  • 12/02 乐虎体育app

    The construction land was levelled up, and a worship ceremony was held to pray for God’s blessing and hop that everything is safe and fine.

  • 10/22 乐虎体育app

    The land use certificate of 765.41 mu was obtained.

  • 06/12 乐虎体育app

    The project registration certificate was secured.

  • 04/24 乐虎体育app

    The first registered capital of RMB 756.9 million was received to carry out preliminary work.

  • 04/10 乐虎体育app

    The Business License was secured, and the project company was duly incorporated.

  • 03/02 乐虎体育app

    Witnessed by Secretary Yu Weiguoof Fujian Provincial CPC Committee and the then Governor Tang Dengjie of Fujian Province, the three parties of Fuzhou, Quanzhou, and Kaohsiung in Taiwan held a video meeting to complete the "cloud signing" of the project.




Copyright 2020 Quanzhou Guoheng Chemical Co., Ltd. all rights reserved
Fujian ICP preparation No. 2021000960

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